Southern Cakes

It’s my belief that all bakers have a little southern grandma lurking inside of them (at least those of us not fortunate enough to have one in real life), watching over us while we stir, whip and frost. Telling us not to handle the biscuits too much or they’ll turn to hockey pucks or when we’re rolling out a simple pie crust.

This week we’re bringing that grandma out to play with these classic southern recipes…

Hummingbird Cake.jpg

Hummingbird Cake

This classic southern cake is made using ripe bananas, crushed pineapple and, of course, the most southern ingredient, pecans (say it with me, PEA-CANS)! The addition of cinnamon and mace makes this spicy cake a perfect vehicle for cream cheese frosting.

Suffice it to say, this will be a new addition to our FS menu!


Southern Cakes - Day 2


Happy Birthday Mom!